I loved this challenge at Journaling Junkie.
We were to document the stuff we had in our bag at a certain point in time.
At this time, I carry a diaper bag as my purse.
Here is my list as journaling:
wallet and pen
mini sewing kit
book for Mom's group
reusable snack bags
Campbell's labels picked up from school
certificate that Z got at school
program from Kristen's ordination
tag from Annie's doll
VBS forms
doctor receipts
ephemera from Hatteras trip
Baby stuff: nursing cover, orajel, hand sanitizer, sunscreen, toy, hairbow, apple
snacks, 3 pairs of socks (!), extra outfit, hat, cloth diaper and storage bag, two
disposable diapers, wipes, changing pad
Missing? My cell phone and point-and-shoot camera... both on the kitchen island and not actually in my bag at the time.
great page heather.
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